Class Action

KLF is engaged in the evaluation and institution of class action lawsuits in Philadelphia. In particular, complex civil litigation class action lawsuits involving both commercial transactions and consumer rights. With the advent of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2015, 28 U.S.C. §§ 1332(d), 1453, and 1711–1715, more firms are turning to experienced and competent class counsel for purposes of asserting very comprehensive and complex class action lawsuits, especially those class matters that may have a widespread impact and are very broad in scope.

The class action practice at KLF focuses on commercial and consumer based class action lawsuits in Philadelphia, where a particular business has engaged in fraudulent conduct, misrepresentation, or some other activity that may constitute a violation of both Federal and State consumer protection laws. For instance, such class action matters may involve class actions against a regional or national company, engaging in false advertising, predatory pricing, imposed unfair and inequitable consumer fees or charges, or for wrongdoing related to non-disclosure of certain unjust business practices. These are only a few examples of the many and far ranging basis for a class action lawsuit to be instituted.

KLF is experienced in identifying commercial and consumer based class actions that may impact and enhance consumer protection – requiring companies to change their business practices in a more fair and reasonable way. Prosecution of these actions typically involve obtaining class certification, and class-wide relief on behalf of members at the Federal or State Court level.

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