The Kim Law Firm, LLC (“KLF”) aggressively pursues credit error cases. We fight for the little guy.  Your matter is not just another case. At KLF we treat all legal needs with the same particular care and attention that they deserve because we understand no two cases are alike.

Examples of credit report errors that could harm your credit score:

  • Accounts that are current reported as past due
  • Old accounts that should have been removed
  • Misreporting account status following bankruptcy
  • Failing to accurately calculate the date by which a negative item is supposed to be removed from your credit report
  • Re-aging accounts – i.e., making a debt look more recent than it really is
  • Including incorrect personal information
  • Closed accounts reported as open
  • Listing debt on your credit Report that is more than 7 years old

Lowered credit scores can harm you by:

  • Disqualifying you from obtaining a mortgage, or paying absurdly higher interest rates
  • Disqualifying you from purchasing a car, or paying absurdly high interest rates
  • Preventing you from obtaining a job
  • Denial of a rental application
  • Denial of insurance, or paying absurdly high premiums

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We review your credit report to determine if the inaccurate information contained is being unlawfully reported.  After our evaluation is complete, we provide you with an analysis of our findings, and whether we believe you have a case.  At that time, you and the Firm can decide how to proceed, and if an attorney-client relationship is appropriate.

Our review of your case, and potential representation of you, is contingency based. There is no out of pocket cost to you.

As with all things in the law, it depends on a case-to-case basis.  In some instances, within just a few weeks, your credit could be repaired, with financial compensation on its way for the harm that you sustained.  Other circumstances may involve a longer time-period.  Each situation is fact dependent.

The Firm is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates, and we focus our practice on protecting consumers.  We litigate credit reporting errors because we understand the significant impact of misreported credit.  You’re still a person to us, even though you may be a number to them.  Simply put, the Firm fights for the rights of consumers because we believe that’s the right thing to do.
