Furnisher/Debt Collector


Are you being harassed by Penn Credit Corporation (“Penn Credit”)? If so, you are not alone. Unfortunately, consumers whose accounts have been placed into collections with companies like Penn Credit have repeated complaints of harassment. Any harassment that occurs can violate federal consumer protection laws such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”).  Also, it is highly likely that any debt collection that is collecting a debt from you, like Penn Credit, is likely credit reporting that debt.  Debt collectors often report debt to credit reporting agencies as additional leverage to force consumers to pay any amount that is allegedly owed.

The debt collection harassment and credit reporting lawyers at The Kim Law Firm, LLC can help if you have been wronged in violation of the law. We leverage our knowledge, experience and focus on consumer laws to protect everyday people like yourself from unlawful debt collection practices and inaccurate credit reporting matters. Call us today and be free from Penn Credit. 

If you believe you are being harassed by Penn Credit, you may be wondering how to contact Penn Credit to make it stop. First, you can contact them directly and notify them that you believe their agents are engaging in inappropriate and unlawful harassment and request that they stop. 

Penn Credit Corporation 

2800 Commerce Drive, 

Harrisburg, PA 17110

Phone: (800) 800-3328

Website: www. penncredit.com

You can also contact an attorney who specializes in debt collection harassment who can help determine if Penn Credit is violating the law and help you take action to stop the harassment.

Penn Credit collects for creditors nationwide, including:

  • Government entities – debts like unpaid parking tickets, traffic citations, property taxes, court fees, and water, sewer and waste management bills
  • Healthcare Providers – debts like unpaid hospital bills, rehabilitation bills, and emergency services
  • Education – unpaid student loan debt
  • Utilities – unpaid electric, gas, phone, and internet bills

Are you receiving annoying robocalls? You should know your rights under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) to potentially stop these calls! Penn Credit’s debt collection calls must comply with the TCPA. For example, the TCPA prohibits debt collectors from contacting you on your mobile phone using an auto-dialer (robocalls). Under the TCPA, a debt collection company must have written consent to contact you using an auto-dialer. If Penn Credit violates your rights under the TCPA you may be entitled up to $1,500 per violation.

There are many debt collection agencies out there, and it can be tough to know which ones are legitimate and which ones are not. The only way to get to the truth and determine if the debt collection company is an actual company is through research. Information that would indicate that the debt collection company is legitimate is whether it will provide you with the statements and billing information for the original creditor. Additionally, look for reviews online about the company from other consumers that have interacted with it in the past. Another indicator as to the legitimacy of the purported company would be a website that lists information such as the company’s physical address. Although not dispositive of the issue, all of these factors are strong indicators of whether a company is an actual debt collection company.Whether or not you are being contacted by a legitimate debt collector or not, you have rights under the FDCPA. Be sure you know what they are.

If you have a debt in collections with Penn Credit, you need to know your rights as a consumer. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”) protects consumers by regulating the behavior of debt collectors. If Penn Credit violates your rights under the FDCPA you may have a cause to sue them, and if they are found liable, you may be entitled up to $1,000 for a violation of the FDCPA.

You may have cause to file a lawsuit against Penn Credit if Penn Credit violated the FDCPA in their attempts to collect a debt from you. Speak with a debt collection attorney if you have experienced the following:

  • You are receiving debt collection robocalls on your cell phone
  • You are receiving collection phone calls at unreasonable hours
  • The caller fails to tell you they are debt collectors
  • You receive collection calls at work after you have told them not to call you there
  • A debt collector has contacted your family, friends, coworkers, or employer about the debt
  • A debt collector has tried to collect more than what you owe
  • A debt collector threatened you with violence
  • A debt collector threatens you with arrest or a lawsuit
  • A debt collector uses bullying or intimidating language 
  • A debt collector uses obscene language
  • A debt collector makes criminal accusations against you

If Penn Credit appears on your credit report, your original creditor has assigned it to collections for falling behind on payments. This has a negative impact on your credit score and reduces your ability to obtain loans at optimal interest rates. 

If you pay Penn Credit what you owe, the delinquent account remains on your credit report but is marked “paid”. Having a paid collections account on your credit report still affects your credit score and does not mean the account is removed unless you came to the agreement with Penn Credit stating that it would have the account removed. 

Penn Credit has a host of complaints filed against it with the Better Business Bureau (“BBB”) alleging violations of the FDCPA or FCRA. One common allegation is that Penn Credit’s agents threaten consumers with legal actions they cannot take or do not intend to take. Another common allegation is Penn Credit sharing information about debt with people they are not permitted to under the law. 

Here are some examples where consumers have initialed lawsuits against Penn Credit for asserted violations of various consumer laws:

  • Gurzi v. Penn Credit, Corp., No. 449 F. Supp, 3d 1294, 1295 (M.D. Fla. 2020) a Florida federal court class action case where the plaintiff alleged that Penn Credit violated the TCPA for using a DirectDROP Voicemail technology that allowed Penn Credit to deliver pre-recorded messages directly into the voicemail of alleged debtors;
  • Adler v. Penn Credit Corp., No. 19-CV-7084 (KMK) (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 3, 2020) a New York federal court case where the plaintiff alleged that a debt collection letter by Penn Credit violated the FDCPA because it was ambiguous and led to several interpretations related to methods of payment; and
  • Although not a lawsuit, worth noting, the former owner of Penn Credit had pleaded guilty to corruptly providing benefits to public officials relating to obtaining a contract with Cook County, Illinois in order to perform debt collection work. 

If you want to know more about consumer complaints relating to Penn Credit’s debt collection tactics and credit reporting, you can read more at Penn Credit Corporation BBB Complaints. 

Penn Credit has a host of complaints filed against it with the Better Business Bureau (“BBB”) alleging violations of the FDCPA or FCRA. One common allegation is that Penn Credit’s agents threaten consumers with legal actions they cannot take or do not intend to take. Another common allegation is Penn Credit sharing information about debt with people they are not permitted to under the law. 

Here are some examples where consumers have initialed lawsuits against Penn Credit for asserted violations of various consumer laws:

  • Gurzi v. Penn Credit, Corp., No. 449 F. Supp, 3d 1294, 1295 (M.D. Fla. 2020) a Florida federal court class action case where the plaintiff alleged that Penn Credit violated the TCPA for using a DirectDROP Voicemail technology that allowed Penn Credit to deliver pre-recorded messages directly into the voicemail of alleged debtors;
  • Adler v. Penn Credit Corp., No. 19-CV-7084 (KMK) (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 3, 2020) a New York federal court case where the plaintiff alleged that a debt collection letter by Penn Credit violated the FDCPA because it was ambiguous and led to several interpretations related to methods of payment; and
  • Although not a lawsuit, worth noting, the former owner of Penn Credit had pleaded guilty to corruptly providing benefits to public officials relating to obtaining a contract with Cook County, Illinois in order to perform debt collection work. 

If you want to know more about consumer complaints relating to Penn Credit’s debt collection tactics and credit reporting, you can read more at Penn Credit Corporation BBB Complaints. 

Talk with a Debt Collection Harassment & Credit Report Lawyer at the Kim Law Firm, LLC

If you feel like you’re being harassed by Penn Credit or any other debt collector, don’t hesitate to reach out to our  consumer protection law firm for help. Contact our team for a free evaluation of your case today – we’re here to help you!